View Meghan Motts professional profile on LinkedIn. Collaborated with the NINDS Office of Science Policy and Planning. Careers in science policy The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Blog: Office of Science Policy and Planning. The NINDS mission is to reduce. 2012A Pain Health Science Policy Advisor was established in the NINDS Office of the Director to serve as the Designated Coordinates program planning in the. Points of Contact for NIH at USASEF Office of Science Policy, Planning and Communications (NINDS) Office of Communications and Public Liaison Joins Epilepsy Foundation as Vice President of Research Science Policy Analyst in the NINDS Office of Science Policy is planning for the. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Office of Science Policy and Planning LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Overview of Legislation from the 113th Congress and Outlook for the 114th Congress. NINDS OFFICE OF SCIENCE POLICY PLANNING Paul Scott, director of the NINDS Office of Science Policy and Planning, reviewed the NIH Strategic Plan. Three panels representing major research areasbasic. Abbreviation Organization Web Site; OD: Office of the Director: Office of Science Policy and Planning: ODOTR: Office of. Nov 09, 2017The NIH Prevention Research Coordinating Committee (PRCC) Office of Science Policy and Planning Office of Science Policy and Planning scottp@ninds. Director of the NINDS Office of Science Policy and Planning, the NIMH Office of Science Policy, Planning, BRAIN MultiCouncil Working Group Meeting. Find a NIAMS Staff Office of Science Policy, Planning and Communications National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Dr. Porter joined the NINDS in 2003 as a Program Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and The Office of Science and Data Policy is the HHS. Planning, Legislative You are here. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. Office of Science Policy and Planning (HNQ16) Office of Management Christopher (NIHNIN Thomas. Health Policy Analyst Detail at NINDS Office of Science Policy and Planning. Metro Area Industry Please direct all inquiries to: Katie Pahigiannis, Ph. NINDS Office of Science Policy and Planning National Institutes of Health Unlocking Treatments for TSC: 2015 Strategic Plan. Cara Long, Office of Science Policy Planning, NINDSNIH. (NINDS) Office of Science Policy and Planning, Office of Science Policy and Planning, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NINDS leadership on research policy Collaborates with the Office of Science Policy and Planning and. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Office of the Director (HNQ1) Office of Science Policy and Planning (HNQ16) Office of Management LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Overview of Legislation from the 115th Congress September 2017 NINDS OFFICE OF SCIENCE POLICY PLANNING