During World War II, when France was occupied by Nazi Germany, it lost its foothold in Vietnam, and Japan took control of the country. This barcode number lets you verify that you're getting exactly the right version or edition of a book. The 13digit and 10digit formats both work. America's Lost War: Vietnam, 1945 In a longawaited alternative to the lengthy and overly expensive texts on the Vietnam War, Charles Neu presents Americas. com: Vietnam: Explaining America's Lost War Vietnam is the clearest explanation of the arguments over American involvement in the Vietnam War. Tony Morse, managing partner with the Spatial Analysis Group, believes that the reason that the U. lost the Vietnam War is because they didn't want to win as much. Did America lose the Vietnam War badly? Why did the United States become involved in Vietnam and why did we lose the Why did the United States lose the Vietnam War. This story first appeared on the TomDispatch website. If our wars in the Greater Middle East ever end, its a pretty safe bet that they will end badlyand it won. America and the Vietnam War by Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and Frederick Logevall also regards the Vietnam War as the modern American. Why the US Lost the Vietnam War. Finally, despite killing more than nine enemy soldiers for every American lost, the costs to the U. In college and high school classrooms across the United States, students display a keen interest in knowing more about what Now I don't know much about the Vietnam war except that the U. I've never actually seen some exact information as to how they lost or when Why did America lose the war? Back; Next; Back to Vietnam 1954 1975 index. America lost South Vietnam because it was an artificial construct created in the wake of the French loss. Sep 29, 2017How America lost its way in Vietnam, and how Ken Burns and Lynn Novick are trying to help us find our way back. Your podcast guide to The Vietnam War. The Vietnam war has been widely regarded these past 40 years as a total American defeat and a huge mistake. Yet consider what actually prompted us to become involved. In March of 1945, and just five months before surrendering to the Allies, Japan did something with profound consequences: it conquered Vietnamand ultimately. [Charles E Neu Sep 20, 1998THE WRONG WAR Why We Lost in Vietnam. By declares at the outset that in his view the main causes of the American defeat in Vietnam were a. The Vietnam War (Vietnamese: Chin tranh Vit Nam), also known as the Second Indochina War, known in Vietnam as the Resistance War Against America (Vietnamese. Why America lost the Vietnam War: I can't give a good answer to this, but here are a couple of points that are germane. Ho and Giap made an aggressive attack on the. Jun 19, 2012In the postwar era, Americans struggled to absorb More than 3 million Americans served in the Vietnam War, The General Who Lost Vietnam. American Civil War: 1861 of Defense reports that 54, 246 American service men and women lost their Vietnam War prior to 1964US Casualties were