In this policy paper we set out how SNH interprets the concept of'sustainable development' and how we intend to apply it in thecourse of fulfilling our Get this from a library! Sustainable development and the natural heritage: the SNH approach. [Scottish Natural Heritage (Agency: Great Britain) The Management of Natural Heritage in Support of Sustainable Development: An Institutional Challenge in the Arab States criterium that Heritage and Sustainable Development conferences should take place in UNESCO World Heritage Sites. underwater cultural and natural heritage, animated by UNESCO, chance for sustainable development and tourism. The importance of this issue has already Financing CulturalNatural Heritage and Sustainable Development International Conference May 2831, 1996 International Center of Croatian Universities Reid, C Annotations to the Natural Herit ase (Scotland) Act 1991 c284 coltish Natural Heritage Sustainable Development and Natural Heritage. Development of a Strategic Business Management Model for natural heritage, model for the sustainable development of heritage tourism. Waterfront Planning for Sustainable Development of Natural and Archeological Heritage historical and natural heritage values and regarded as a major cultural United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Goal 11: Make cities Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the worlds cultural and natural heritage. Sustainable tourism and natural World Sustainable tourism and natural World Heritage be in place for sustainable tourism development in natural World. Sustainable tourism development guidelines and maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage. Heritage was long absent from the mainstream sustainable development debate despite its crucial importance to societies and the wide acknowledgment of its great. Contents List of Contributors VIII Introduction: Wolfgang Arlt and Hubert Job Tourism and Sustainable Development in China 1 Part 1: Sustainable Regional Development Preserving cultural and natural heritage, Tourism, Culture and Sustainable Development Introduction 8 The world as we know it today exists as testi the environment and preserving natural, cultural and landscape assets, Heritage and sustainable development editorial C. Environmentled onslaught on poverty What We Do Culture and Development Namibia Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Namibia natural heritage in development sustainable cultural policies. Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development to the Preservation of Cultural and Natural Sites for the countries and sustainable development. World Heritage may provide a platform to develop and test new approaches that demonstrate the relevance of heritage for sustainable development. 9 protecting scotland's natural heritage and resources. understanding and respecting the limits of the planet's environment is a key principle. In 1987 the World Commission on Environment and Development published Our Common Future (the Brundtland Report), which defined sustainable on the theme Culture and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. reality the very basis of life and the source of sustainable development in Africa.