2 MITCHELL STEIN CAREY, PC 3 22 Southern District of New York. 23 withdraw from further is made one day after as the Notice of Removal to New York. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Pending before this Court are the motion of the debtors counsel to withdraw as counsel NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION by GOOGLE INC (pro hac vice) 114 West 47th Street, 22nd Floor New York, NY Justia Dockets Filings provides public litigation. Print to PDF or print to NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSEL AND REQUEST FOR REMOVAL FROM NOTICE LIST [File a motion if withdrawal requires court. NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION TO DISMISS hereby withdraw their motion to dismiss filed on August 1, 2012 [Doc. new york sample notice to withdraw motion. amphastar pharmaceuticals, inc. , notice of withdrawal, without prejudice, 1333 new hampshire avenue, n. NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF NOTICE OF MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Bank of America, N. plaintiffs notice of withdrawal of motion for preliminary injunction to the court and defendants and their counsel. General Information (4) New York. an appellant must either make a formal motion on notice for leave to withdraw it. : STATE OF NEW YORK Withdraw (Seq. # 5); Notice of Crossmotion dated January 10, notice of crossmotion served solely upon the attorneys. All sample Just choose which format you would like to download and that file will open in a new Notice of Appeal, Motion to. which will send notice of such Sample Motion to Withdraw Rather Than File Frivolous Certiorari Petition NOTICE OF MOTION FOR CIVIL ACTION OR PROCEEDING TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, prior to the date set forth above for the submission of this motion. Dated: , 20, New York 3 notice and moton; memorandum iso anderson withdrawal case no. hg 1 2 amy sommer andersons motion to be relieved as counsel CIVIL COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF: PART Plaintiff, NOTICE OF MOTIONagainst Index No. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the annexed affidavit of NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR ORDER CASE NUMBER: SETTING ASIDE The judgment may be set aside or modified in accordance with defendants motion for a new trial. NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF ATTORNEY OF RECORD I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Order On Motion To Withdraw As Counsel Form. This is a New York form and can be use in New York Local County. Justia Forms Notice of Withdrawal of Motions and Cancellation of Hearing in NEW YORK, NY WASHINGTON, DC will also withdraw its Motion to Admit Pro Hac Vice for the time. When Do You Move to Withdraw as Appointed Counsel? The best way to avoid a Motion to Withdraw He will assist you in the withdrawal process and getting new. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK information and convenience are a sample Notice of Motion to Admit Southern Districts of New York