Mar 29, 2015Anybody can find a good or a bad deal on any given tractor. John deere is living on its Iam gona bet on the Kubota, John deere usally just tries to copy a. Jan 18, 2013Tractor Kubota M8540HDC, L5740HSTC, BX2200, BX2660, John Deere R, Case, Kubota vs John Deere I would like to add to what tractchores said. See how John Deere 1 Series Tractors stack up against the Kubota BX Series tractors. Jun 27, 2013Hi everybody, I've been looking to buy a compact tractor for a while now mostly looking at used Kubotas in every venue possible. The prices I've been Feb 14, 2004Kubota vs John Deere Compact Tractors Review Kubota Review Kubota Review We have 5 acres, ponds, horses, trees, etc. 90 of my work at home is moving material, 20. May 08, 2012There's a number of subcompact tractors out there: Kubota JohnDeere Cub Cadet Mahindra New Holland MasseyFerguson Mar 06, 2014Anyone have an opinion about JD vs. Kubota for sub compact tractors? Thinking to use for snow removal and moving trailers in the boatyard. Dare to Compare the 3E the Kubota L Series. A side by side comparison of the main features of the John Deere 3E Utility Tractor Series vs Kubota L Series. Mahindra has been making tractors longer than Kubota If you got just a tractor only Deere was slightly higher, but their Kubota VS Mahindra in. See how the John Deere 1025R tractor stacks up against the Kubota BX2670 tractors in this buying guide brought to you by Mutton Power Equipment. If youre in the market for new small tractor, you know there are a few options and brands to choose from. Two of those big name brands are. kabota [ save this page people look at low end kubota tractors and high end john deere tractors and think the comparisons are apples and apples. Feb 16, 2011I'm new to tractors. How come you choose John Deere over kubota? I'm not trying to start a war like Ford vs. Chevy, I honestly don't know very much and I'm trying to. Kubota vs John Deere; Follow @steerplanet: Sponsors i hop in the Kubota. Both are bigger tractors but just wanted to throw in my 2 cents worth. Mar 04, 2015I'm about to purchase a newused tractor, I've been given many pros and cons for both John Deere 3032 hydrostatic and Kubota 3130 shuttle shift. I like Jul 12, 2004John Deere vs Kubota Compact Tractors John Deere Review John Deere Review I no nothing about tractors, but we have decided the woman needs one, getting to old to haul. May 01, 2012Comparing the new John Deere 1 series tractors to the Kubota BX series Apr 22, 2015I've been looking at tractors for a couple of weeks and have it down to Kubota's and Deere's. Just wondering is anyone has or currently has one and can The most common question I hear from people looking to buy their first tractor always concerns comparing John Deere tractors and Kubota tractors. Jan 15, 2010Alright: This upcoming spring I will pull the plug on about 15K to buy a new tractor. I have looked a the JD 2000 series, and the Kubota BX26's. Both I am looking to purchase a new or used subcompact tractor 18hp to 25hp, with rearmid PTOs and that can take a loader and tiller. My need is for li Jan 18, 2014Which Compact Tractor: Kubota, John Deere, or New Holland. Register for FREE to Use our Offshore Fishing Resources. Select State